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20 Book Pocket-Guide Bible Science Series - Answers in Genesis

Get answers to tough questions with this extremely popular 20 book, colour illustrated pocket-guide bible science series—the perfect size for pocket, purse or glove box. Makes an ideal gift for the believer and non-believer alike.

This exciting and informative 20 book pocket-guide series will provide you with answers to many critical questions facing our culture and society today. You’ll find concise text and colour illustrations to help you to become equipped with solid answers to many important questions.


UFOs & ETs: A Biblical and Cultural Exploration of Aliens

What are we to make of the many UFO sightings that have been reported? Have aliens visited earth? What does the Bible say about UFOs and ETs?

According to a recent survey, more than a third of Americans believe that aliens have visited earth.

Does the Bible talk about UFOs and ETs? Since these are modern terms, we shouldn't be surprised that the Bible does not directly mention them. On the other hand, the Bible does give us information to help us develop a biblical response to UFOs and ETs. Ultimately, we must allow God's Word to be our authority in every area.

Get Answers to Tough Questions, Including:

• Why all the interest in UFOs?
• What does the Bible say?
• How do we explain all those UFOs?
• Is there an alien invasion of a different type?
• Have extraterrestrials visited earth in the past?

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984409263


Dinosaurs: Is There a Biblical Explanation?

What really happened to the dinosaurs? Did they live and then die out millions of years ago? Or have they lived recently, alongside man? Did dinosaurs evolve into birds? Are there dinosaurs alive today?

More than any other subject, dinosaurs are used to promote the idea of evolution.

Museums, media, and schools all proclaim that dinosaurs died millions of years ago. They also teach that the birds in your backyard are actually descendants of dinosaurs.

But what is the truth?

Only when we start with the Bible can we understand the true history of dinosaurs.

Get Answers to Tough Questions, Including:

• What happened to the dinosaurs?
• Did they evolve into birds?
• Has soft tissue been found in dinosaur fossils?
• Why don't we find human and dinosaur fossils together?

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984403100


Evolution & Darwin: Was Darwin Right?

How did Charles Darwin come to believe in evolution? What is natural selection? Did a family tragedy turn him from Christianity? Did Darwin finally convert to Christianity? Was Darwin right about evolution? What are the social outcomes of evolution?

These questions and more are answered in this Pocket Guide to Evolution & Darwin.

Looking at the course of his life, Darwin was influenced by many people and has had an extensive influence on society. Here are well-researched, down-to-earth answers to questions about Darwin's life and legacy.

This guide will help you see why you can't just add evolution to the Bible.

Get Answers to Tough Questions, Including:

• Is natural selection the same thing as evolution?
• Was Darwin right about evolution?
• Did he convert to Christianity?
• What are the social outcomes of evolution?

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984403070

The Global Flood: A Biblical and Scientific Look at the Catastrophe That Changed the Earth

Can we really believe the biblical account of a global flood? Is there evidence in the earth that confirms the biblical account? How was Grand Canyon formed? How did fossils of seashells get on the highest mountains?

Filled with concise and powerful answers, this Pocket Guide to the Global Flood solves these questions and more.

Become equipped with concise answers regarding transcontinental rock layers, rapid erosion, folded strata, catastrophic continental breakup, volcanic activity, and more.

Get Answers to Tough Questions, Including:

• Was there really a worldwide flood?
• Were marine and land dwelling creatures buried together?
• What are transcontinental rock layers?
• Is there evidence for rapid erosion?
• How do rock layers fold and not fracture?
• What is catastrophic breakup?
• Did the flood last only a 40 days, or was it much longer?

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984403063


Noah’s Ark: A Biblical and Scientific Look at the Genesis Account

Can we really believe the biblical account of Noah’s ark? How could it hold all those animals? How could Noah care for all of them? What did Noah’s ark look like? Has Noah’s ark been found? Why do different cultures have similar flood legends?

Answer these questions and more with this biblical and scientific look at the Genesis account of Noah and his obedience.

This Pocket Guide to Noah's Ark combines the latest research with careful biblical scholarship, showing why we can trust the Bible's account of Noah's ark.

Get Answers to Tough Questions, Including:

• Was there really a Noah's ark?
• How could it hold all those animals?
• What did Noah’s ark look like and what was its size?
• What about other flood legends?
• How could eight people care for the animals on the ark?
• Has Noah's ark been found? 

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984403056


Did God Create in Six Days? What Does the Bible Really Say?

Is the Bible right about the days of the creation account in Genesis? Were the days 24-hours or long periods of time? What did Jesus believe and teach about Genesis? How are we to interpret yom, the Hebrew word for day? Does one have to be a young-earth creationist to be saved?

As the findings of secular scientists are increasingly touted as proof of a very old earth, more and more Christians, including theologians and pastors, are questioning Genesis 1.

Various ideas have been put forth to explain how the six days of creation in Genesis can be reinterpreted to allow for long ages.

This Pocket Guide to Did God Create in Six Days? examines the biblical text, the views of the other biblical authors (and Jesus himself), and the implications of one's position. Ultimately, we must allow God's Word to be our authority in every area.

Get Answers to Tough Questions, Including: 

• Could God really have created everything in six days?
• Why should scripture interpret scripture?
• Did Bible authors believe in a literal Genesis?
• Is the age of the earth a salvation issue?

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 978194409195 



Should Christians Believe in an Old Earth? Was the Earth a Progressive Creation?

Is there a time gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2? Were the days of creation really long ages? Can’t we just add evolution to the Bible? What’s so bad about believing in millions of years?

These and other questions are answered in this Pocket Guide to Should Christians Believe in an Old Earth?

Many Christians try to add millions of years to the Bible in order to make it fit with modern geological theories, or to try and look good in the eyes of the world. But Scripture is very clear that God's Word is the authority, and we must not change it to fit our own ideas.

This pocket guide will enable believers to defend biblical creation and refute the errors being taught in many churches and Bible schools today.

Get Answers to Tough Questions, Including:

• What about the gap and ruin-reconstruction theories?
• What's wrong with progressive creation?
• What's wrong with the framework hypothesis?
• What about theistic evolution? 

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984409164


A Young Earth: Evidence That Supports the Biblical Perspective

Is the earth billions of years old or just thousands? Are radiometric methods of dating rocks and fossils reliable? What evidences support a young age for the earth?

Most secular scientists believe the earth to be billions of years old. They most often use radiometric dating methods to support this assertion. But do they have a rock-solid case?

Discover the primary reasons why their belief in billions of years cannot be correct.

This Pocket Guide to A Young Earth examines the age of the earth from a biblical and scientific perspective. It presents geological information not often presented in public schools and secular colleges and will equip you with answers that are based on the authority of God's Word.

Get Answers to Tough Questions, Including:

• What are some problems with radioactive dating?
• What about carbon-14 dating?
• Where did the idea of "millions of years" come from?
• How old is the earth?
• Do creation scientists make valid predictions?

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984403087


Best Evidences: Science and the Bible Refute Millions of Years

What is the best evidence for a young earth? What are presuppositions, and how do they figure into the age-of-the-earth debate? Haven’t scientists proven that the earth is old? What does an old earth say about the character of God?

This Pocket Guide to Best Evidences will aid you in understanding the foundational nature of the age-of-the-earth debate.

You will explore various dating methods that confirm a young earth and will show you that when you start from biblical presuppositions and look at the "evidence" through the lens of Scripture, you can come to solid conclusions that are not only true to the scriptural record, but also agree with sound science.

Get Answers to Tough Questions, Including:

• What are the best scientific evidences for a young earth?
• What is the best proof of creation?
• Does astronomy confirm a young universe?
• Science or the Bible? Or both?
• How old does the earth look? 

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984409171


The Tower of Babel: The Origin and Dispersal of the Nations

How is the biblical account of the tower of Babel described? Why were the people disobedient toward God? Did all ~7,000 languages today come out of Babel? How did those scattering from Babel travel? What should Christians take away from this event in history?

This Pocket Guide to The Tower of Babel addresses these questions as experts show the implications this biblical event had after the flood in areas such as geography, language, and culture.

Only when we study Scripture do we begin to see the global consequences this event had.

Get Answers to Tough Questions, Including:

• Is there a contradiction between Genesis 10 and 11?
• When and where did the scattering occur?
• What was the purpose of the tower of Babel?
• What did the tower look like?

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984409270



Is Atheism a Religion? The Irrationality of an Evolutionary Worldview

Is atheism a religion? Do atheists have a basis for morality? What are the logical results of an atheistic worldview? What are the goals and tactics of the “New Atheists”?

Atheists are becoming more vocal and seeking to spread their anti-God message far and wide.

This Pocket Guide to Is Atheism a Religion? examines the goals and tactics of these outspoken atheists and analyzes their message.

The irrational religion of atheism leads to hopelessness, while the gospel of Jesus Christ, as revealed in God's Word, provides hope and meaning in life.

Get Answers and explore topics, Including:

• Is atheism a religion?
• Morality and irrationality of an evolutionary worldview
• What are the logical results of an atheistic worldview?
• The tactics of the new atheists
• How to answer atheists
• Confessions of a former atheist

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984409188

The Bible: How Do We Know it Can Be Trusted?

Why are there 66 books in the Bible? Who wrote the Bible? Is the Bible enough? Are there contradictions? Is it time for a new reformation? Why is a biblical worldview important?

The Bible contains the very words of God and is the key to understanding the world in which we live. It is the history book of the universe and the instruction manual for mankind. The Bible was written by the Creator, so we can put our trust in it!

This Pocket Guide to the Bible will give you answers to these questions and more.

Get Answers and explore topics, Including:

• Why 66?
• Is the Bible enough?
• Isn't the Bible full of contradictions?
• Can other religious writings be from God too?
• What is a biblical worldview?
• The challenge of morality

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984403049

Human Missing Links: Did Humans Really Evolve From Ape-Like Creatures?

Did humans evolve from apelike creatures? Have scientists found fossils of the missing link? Does the similarity between human and chimp DNA point to common ancestry?

These and other questions are answered in this Pocket Guide to Human Missing Links.

Experts in the fields of palaeontology, anatomy, genetics, and ancient Bible texts examine both the scientific evidence and the biblical record to show that humans are not related to apes, but were specially created by God in his image.

Get Answers to Tough Questions, Including:

• Did humans really evolve from apelike creatures?
• What about the similarity between human and chimp DNA?
• Are Neanderthals humans?
• Has the missing link been found? 

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984403094 

The Human Body: Intricate design that glorifies the Creator

How does the human body react to emergencies? Is the human eye really a bad design, as evolutionists like to point out? How is the human brain better than any supercomputer? What’s so amazing about skin and bones?

These and other questions are answered in this Pocket Guide to the Human Body.

Anatomist Dr. David Menton is joined by other scientists who show how the amazing design of the human body points to a divine Designer. Be awestruck as you see that our bodies truly are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Get Answers and explore topics, Including:

• Brain-shaped by experiences
• The seeing eye
• The hearing ear Bones-God's living girders
• Skin-our living armour
• The amazing human hair
• Are vestigial organs evidence for evolution?

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984409157 

Science vs. the Bible: Is There a Conflict?

Does science, by definition, have to be materialistic? Is there a difference between operational science and historical science? Does a belief in biblical creation help or hinder scientific inquiry? Have creation scientists made any successful predictions?

Today, there is a debate over the nature of science. Secularists claim that science must be naturalistic - that we cannot allow any supernatural causes.

They also claim that the science that leads to today's technology is no different than the science that assumes it can see billions of years into the past to tell us about our origins. There is a difference between observable/operational science and historical science.

This Pocket Guide to Science vs. the Bible will help you understand the debate and come to conclusions that are based on the authority of God's Word!

Get Answers to Tough Questions, Including:

• What is and isn't science?
• Is science secular?
• Is evolution the anti-science?
• Have creation scientists been successful in their predictions?
• Should there be a conflict between science and the Bible?

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984409201


Climate Change: A Biblical Perspective on the Controversy

What is the truth about climate change? Are the ice caps melting? Is man the chief cause of global warming? How does solar activity affect the earth’s climate? What should Christians do about climate change?

These and other questions are answered in this Pocket Guide to Climate Change.

Presenting a balanced approach to climate change, experts in climatology and atmospheric science show why much of the hype and alarmism of the environmental movement is misplaced.

Real science, eye-opening charts, and solid biblical truths provide answers to this "hot" topic.

Get Answers to Tough Questions, Including:

• Is man the cause of global warming?
• Are the climate models accurate?
• What is biblical environmental stewardship?
• How should Christians respond to climate change?

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984409218


Astronomy: What is the Biblical Perspective?

Did the universe start with a big bang? Does distant starlight prove the universe is old? What are black holes and how do they form? Is the gospel written in the stars?

Secular astronomers teach that the universe formed more than 12 billion years ago starting with the big bang. This Pocket Guide to Astronomy examines the strong evidence that points to a young age for the universe and helps give you a biblical view of astronomy.

Truly, the infinite size and complexity of the universe proclaim the awesome majesty and power of its designer, God.

Get Answers to Tough Questions, Including:

• Does the big bang fit with the Bible?
• Does distant starlight prove the universe is old?
• Can we see stars forming?
• Are ETs and UFOs real?

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984409232


Social Issues: What Does the Bible Say About Morality?

When does life begin? What about stem cells, same-sex marriage, transgenderism, abortion, and racism? Where do human rights come from? How do we know what is moral?

Huge social questions abound in today's culture. Some look at our society and see us progressing to become more liberated; others look and see moral decay. How do we evaluate the moral issues of today?

This Pocket Guide to Social Issues will equip you with answers that are based on the authority of God's Word!

Get Answers and explore topics, Including:

• When does life begin?
• Transgenderism
• Stem cells
• Are there really different races?
• How should a Christian respond to gay "marriage"?
• The challenge of morality

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984409225



Logic & Faith: Discerning Truth in Logical Arguments

Have you ever heard an argument that just didn’t seem right to you? Do you want to know how to recognize faulty arguments? Do you want to be equipped to defend your faith logically?

In this Pocket Guide to Logic & Faith, Dr. Jason Lisle and Patricia Engler expose logical fallacies that evolutionists often use to argue their case. The role of logic--the study of correct reasoning- is becoming a vanishing skill in our society.

Here is a clear and concise guide to equip believers to refute evolutionary arguments and to use sound reason and logic when defending their faith.

Get Answers and explore topics, Including:

• The complex question
• Bifurcation
• Faulty appeal to authority Ad hominem
• The strawman fallacy
• Formal fallacies
• Atheism: an irrational worldview
• Critical thinking
• Faith vs. reason

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984409249 

Satan & the Serpent: A Biblical View of Satan and Evil

Who is Satan? When was he created? When did he fall? Was Satan the serpent in the garden of Eden? Are there other fallen angels? What will become of Satan?

Satan and the origin of evil are hot topics in today's culture. The reality of Satan and the existence of evil are but two areas the world attacks.

This Pocket Guide to Satan & the Serpent is a helpful resource that examines the Scriptures to find what we can know about Satan and evil.

It takes a close look at the bad news in Genesis but also shares the powerful good news of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice that has conquered sin, Satan, and evil once for all.

Get Answers to Tough Questions, Including:

• Who is Satan?
• When was Satan created?
• Were angels created in the image of God?
• Who sinned first -Adam or Satan?
• Did the serpent originally have legs?
• What will become of Satan? 

Dimensions-Inches (LxWxH): 4.5 x 7.125 x 0.20
Weight: 0.190 lbs
Length: 96 Pages
Published: 2021
ISBN: 9781984409256


Total Weight: 3.8 lbs
Total Pages: 1,920 Pages

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20 Book Pocket Guide Bible Science Series - UFO's, Dinosaurs, Evolution, Global Flood & More

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